Empathy, Not Facts,

Is the Foundation of a Story Brand That Gets Remembered




Build a Story Brand that Clarifies Your Message and Connects Emotionally – So More Customers Listen.

To survive in today’s increasingly crowded marketplace, businesses are constantly battling to be seen and heard – you need to stand out! This is where your business’ story comes in. The goal is to tell a story that genuinely appeals to your audience.

So what makes a story genuine and how to tell it?

Let’s start off with what storytelling is not. Storytelling is not about your company’s own name, own products, history, etc. These things typically will not resonate with your audience at face value. And it will not win you the attention of your audience, i.e. visits, views, shares, conversions.

Telling your brand story is more than what you write on your website, blog and social media. Great storytelling starts with empathy and understanding of your customer and how you're solving for their problem. And solving for their problem should ultimately be behind your business purpose (your "why") and is core to your mission and vision.

As we are humans, and not machines, great storytelling involves emotion, creates empathy and typically comprises characters, conflict and resolution. All of which, in turn, has the long-lasting magnetic effect to genuinely connect your audience to your message.


Brand Story | Storytelling | MINDVIBZ®


Why Your Brand Needs a Story

Having a well-crafted story integral to your brand and marketing strategy will:
  • Clarify your message so more customers listen.
  • Create more alignment between your business and your audience.
  • Create empathy, making your audience feel more connected to your brand through shared beliefs.
  • Give people a reason to communicate and to relate.
  • Stimulate minds (and hearts) by giving people something to believe in.
  • Help you stand out in a vast sea of digital media and content.
  • Help you create contrast in a sea of choices.
  • Help prospects and customers make sense of decisions they’re about to make.


How We Can Help

Great storytelling is not only an art form, it’s like having your own secret recipe. Generally speaking, the three main ingredients to great stories are Character, Conflict and Resolution.

MINDVIBZ® can help you craft the concept, style and delivery of your story keeping the following in mind:

  • Making a human connection.
  • Resonating with people – your audience, who need your help & guidance.
  • Understand their needs, desires and pain points.
  • Relate your message (use any metaphors, happenings, incidents as story mediums).
  • Move your audience (use a specific emotion or a situation that transcends, such as humor, love, desire, happiness, fear, shame, anger.
  • Help your company consistently and ubiquitously tell your story to engage your audience wherever they are.




Our Brand Story Development Services

When it comes to employing storytelling to create lasting impressions and meaningful connections, we work with you to:

  • Understand your prospects and customers’ problems and how you are solving for them.
  • Understand how this aligns with your "why" and create empathy.
  • Edit, test and finalize your story for publishing and sharing.
  • Plan the launch of your story for audience impact.
  • Create any necessary variations to align with differing audience segments.
  • Ensure sales and marketing are in story alignment so everyone is consistent in describing the company and conveying your key messages.




Story-ify and connect people with your brand

To get started crafting your concept for storytelling success, simply fill in this short form and we’ll reach out to see if we can help you create a story that resonates, inspires and connects people with your brand.

Want to gain more traction in your growth? Start sharing your brand story the right way.

Fill out the form and we'll set up a call to see how we can help.

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